Being A Whole Person

Amy Kuretsky on Self-Compassion and Resilience in Creative Business



In this episode I was joined by Amy Kuretsky, an acupuncturist, breathwork facilitator, and business coach who helps creative entrepreneurs cultivate a deeper relationship with their heart, body, and business. This interview will be especially inspirational for all of you creative entrepreneurs out there, current and aspiring. Listen in to hear Amy share about her winding career path, her supportive tools and personal process for getting unstuck and out of a funk, how she practices compassionate productivity, how she conducts business with anticapitalist values within capitalism, some of her favorite role models in that area, and what an extended Instagram break has felt like. In the typical spirit of this show, we get deep about how we define our identities and how our various facets are so integrated. --- NEW OFFERING COMING SOON: 1-time sessions are returning! They’ll be in depth and specifically geared towards compassionately getting to the root of your overwhelm - I’ll announce full details in Monday’s C