Being A Whole Person

Feeding Your Creativity in the Winter Season



We don’t have to expect ourselves to constantly be actively producing creative work - creative projects have seasonal cycles, too. But even in the dormancy of winter (literal or metaphorical), you can still feed your creativity, and this phase is just as important as the others. In this episode I share many ways that you can consume, digest, and “fertilize the soil” to pave the way for your next project. What’s feeding your creativity right now? What’s inspiring you? Tag me on Instagram @rebecca_hass, and we can share ideas! ✨✨✨ The Build Your Seasonal Self Care Survival Kit Workshop has already happened live, but the recording is still available to buy for a few more weeks! (sliding scale: $5-30) Join me to learn my favorite tips for replenishing your energy throughout this unusual holiday season, and you'll leave with a personal menu of self care practices to support yourself in times of depletion and celebration! Sign up to join us at ✨✨✨ RESOURCES MENTIONED