Dr. Isabel Md Inspires

How to have Radiant Skin and Age Gracefully



Summary   In today’s coaching session, you will be learning about how you can have radiant skin and age gracefully. We got to understand that our skin is actually an organ. Yes, it covers up our whole body and it’s an organ just like your heart is, your lungs, your intestines, your liver is… it’s beating and living all day long, 24/7 whether you’re awake or not. Our skin is like the mirror of our internal health. So let’s first talk about skin eruptions: acne and eczema. Acne is a skin problem that starts when oil and dead skin cells clog up your pores. We, in the medical profession, can only pretty much prescribe antibiotics either cream and/or pills for acne. Eczema is a skin eruption. It’s like a volcanic eruption in your skin that just pops up and then you start scratching, it gets infected and then it starts trailing all over your body. We, in the medical profession, are super good at giving you steroid creams. Steroid creams work but in a false way. What I mean is steroid creams remove the eczema skin b