One New Person

Working Love and Loving Work with Adam Kreutinger



Adam Kreutinger is a public school art teacher, puppeteer, puppet builder, theater set & costume designer, magician, YouTuber, and podcaster. Adam has remained my closest friend from childhood. He is the only person who makes me feel lazy, and in that way, he's consistently pushed me to improve myself and my work. In this episode we discuss how he avoids the trap of being a "jack of all trades and master of none," the value of finding a thought partner, and of course, his story of a chance encounter with lasting impact. We talked for over an hour, which I cut down to the 30-minute conversation you'll find here. There's so much good stuff that was left out of the final edit, that I'm going to upload the full, uncut, unedited conversation separately as a bonus. Related Links Puppet Tears (Adam's podcast) Adam Kreutinger on YouTube "Wedding Dress in 15 Days" (George Takei Edit) Adam's original wedding dress video on YouTube Thomas Paul Asklar Fine Art Gallery on Facebook