One New Person

The Luck Bias #thursdaythoughts



When your rival succeeds, they just got lucky.But when you succeed, it’s the result of hard work, persistence, and talent.Curious, isn’t it?Either you believe luck is an irrational force, swirling around like a quantum tornado randomly bestowing itself whenever and for whomever it feels like, or you believe there is a measure of control we each exert over our own luck.If it’s the former, you should rightly be envious of your rival’s lucky break. But you can no longer take credit for your own success. If it’s the latter you must recognize the same hard work, persistence, and talent in your rival’s lucky breaks as in your own.Visit to join the community and gain access to member-only content. FREE to join, always. No ads and no sponsors.RELATED LINKSHappy by Derren Brown (book)