One New Person

How to Nurture Beautiful Connections with Rich Rochlin



This week's guest is Rich Rochlin, a family attorney extraordinaire practicing in Connecticut. His abundantly positive attitude is infectious. Combine that with an unwavering focus on his clients, rather than his own career, is how he inadvertently built his success. His philosophy on life, and the law, is built on empathy and the desire to both connect with others and connect others to each other. Rich is a family man at heart with a wonderful wife and three kids, who lately are a shining light in my otherwise dreary social media newsfeeds.His Facebook description says it all: "Servant to the poor, butler to the great, comforter, philosopher and lifelong mate."Just two months before the 2020 crisis Rich joined me on the couch in my cozy home studio for a in-depth, intimate examination on how he built a sustainable career in an unpredictable world, and how you can too.It is impossible to listen to this conversation without smiling. And we can all use a bit of pure joy right now.Related LinksRich's law firm: h