
The Long View - Week 01 (Election 2020)



Just 6 days to go till Election Day in the election of our lifetimes, and this week I bring you THREE very special guests: fellow badass phone bank trainers Nancy, Nimat, and Sherrie. We dive into the joys and travails of training phone bank callers, and so this is a "behind the scenes" episode filled with trainer-talk on the art and science of crafting effective and engaging training sessions for equipping people with the skills and confidence needed to make phone calls to swing-state voters. We explore some of the challenges of designing training for complex auto-dialer systems like ThruTalk, persisting with surprisingly tech-challenged people who themselves surprise us with their own persistence, negotiating difficult conversations with hosts and with "backseat trainer" participants, and reflect on how we have each learned and grown as trainers during these past several weeks. I also share a special announcement about my upcoming trip to Wisconsin next week to serve as a trained election observer for the W