Blind Entrepreneurship With Johnathan Grzybowski

3 Pillars To Get Any Job You Want



Maybe it’s just me and my inner circle, but entrepreneurship is this “cool”, “hip” thing. It’s apparently cool to brag about the money you make, or the car you drive, or the vacation you are on.  We are obsessed with this life where we have to share every waking moment of our lives in order to be relevant. Many people also believe that in order to make any sort of impact on this Earth, you have to quit your job or drop out of college to be someone important.  I’d like to tell you now that entrepreneurship isn’t for everyone. It’s freaking dark. It’s lonely. The highs are really high and the lows are so freaking low that you contemplate life, the meaning, the purpose and everything in between. I’m serious. If you’re going into this world of entrepreneurship, get ready for a ride. As dangerous and as scary as it can be, it’s like this beautiful disaster as weirdly as it sounds because no matter what happens along the way, you come out stronger and better than what you were.  In my opinion, entrepreneurship isn’