Blind Entrepreneurship With Johnathan Grzybowski

Video Games: What We Can Learn From Them And How It Pertains To Business



Quick disclaimer: In the beginning of the episode the audio is slightly pitchy. The team fixed it as much as they possibly could, but it does get fixed about 10% into the conversation. I’ve personally known Alex for a few years now, we even went to the same high school together. We didn’t talk at all because he was older than me. However, I’ve come to respect Alex an F ton. The guy is smart and ahead of the game so to speak. His company is forward thinking and I’m really excited to watch his success. I feel like Alex’ company is one of those dark horses that because not a lot of people know the industry and it’s not popular, he might fly under the radar so to speak, but is huge within the community he’s invested his time into. Some of the highlights of this episode are: When we talk about the current state of the gaming industry The future of the industry How developers are making money And how Twitch influencers are actually making the gaming industry a better place. Let’s get to it. Links mentioned in int