Blind Entrepreneurship With Johnathan Grzybowski

How to build an EPIC community with Ryan Paugh



I’ve know of Ryan for years now. I’ve quietly followed his journey alongside a man that I now have the ability to call a friend and that’s Scott Gerber. I interviewed Scott a few months ago. Make sure you go check that episode out. It will be in the show notes. But Scott and Ryan wrote a book together called SuperConnector: Stop Networking and Start Building Business Relationships that Matter The book is phenominal. Early in my career I was everything that this book says not to do. I was a card collector. I was transactional in the way I speak. I didn’t care about meaningful relationships, I just begged for money. Throughout my career, that slowed down, and became more strategic, but it was nice to see context and examples throughout the book. Ryan is a world class expert in community building and what better way than to get Ryan’s perspective. He’s an introvert at heart and having the ability to talk from one side of the coin, Scott being the extrovert. And the other side of the coin being Ryan. It’s cool to