Blind Entrepreneurship With Johnathan Grzybowski

Mobile Growth with Mada Seghete



This entire conversation was spent talking about sales and lead generation. I tried to structure the conversation around growth because for the most part that’s what Mada speaks about. How she grew and is currently growing the company. I don’t think there’s that one piece of advice that you can take with you from this conversation. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. What I do think is extremely valuable is the ability to listen and understand themes. Mada talks about the importance of SEO, content, and even events. I had the luxury of actually going to a branch event about 4-5 years ago. It was small, it was intimate, but it freaking worked. I remembered them and I remember the swag I got because of them. It’s safe to say that typical millennial and startup norms of giving out swag may not work for some, but it did with me in this case. It was an honor having someone of Mada’s caliber and intellect on the show. Let’s get to it. Some of the highlights of this episode are: Links mentioned in interview: Web