Blind Entrepreneurship With Johnathan Grzybowski

Business Miracles with Heather Dominick



This episode for me was somewhat of a come to Jesus moment. But not for the reasons that you may think. I don’t think this conversation had much to do with business…although it’s very much so in tune and in line with business. But more so personally. I think it brought clarity to my life outside of business and in my personal relationship. I think my girlfriend is what Heather declares as highly sensitive. All of the reactions and encounters, conversations that we’ve ever had… It felt all too similar. Something like… I’ve heard this all before and it sounds way too familiar. Maybe you’ve experienced someone that is highly sensitive in your life too. If you did, strap your seatbelts tight. You’re in for a ride. Enjoy this weeks episode with Heather Dominic. Links mentioned in interview: Instagram: FB link: Twitter Link: LinkedIn Link: Website Link: www.BusinessMiracl