Productive Insights Podcast Actionable Online Business Growth Made Easy With Ash Roy

191. Productivity In 2020 — Part 5 — Mindfulness



Productivity In 2020 — Part 5 — Mindfulness   What does mindfulness have to do with productivity? On the face of it, they seem like opposing concepts, don't they? Mindfulness (for most of us) is associated with pensive reflection and not a whole lot of action.Productivity, on the other hand, smacks of frenetic activity and output.Turns out, the two are critical to each other if you want to use your time effectively.A mindfulness practice helps to cultivate a proactive mindset which means you make better (quadrant 2) decisions as we saw in the first part of this 5 part series.When you're proactive, you're more likely to focus on the 1% of your efforts that yield 51% of your results. If this sounds like complete gobbledygook to you, then check out the third video in this 5 part series. You can access it on the YouTube channel.And if you're mindful when you do your Pomodoro sprints — which is exactly what we do within the Productive Insights membership program — when we rate ourselves after each sprint i