Psychedelics Today

Thomas Roberts Ph.D. - The Broad Future of Psychedelic Research



Download The future of psychedelic research is endless. There seems to be thousands of ways to get involved, and thousands of ways to approach the topic. In this talk, Kyle and Joe talk with Thomas Roberts Ph.D. -- author of the book, The Psychedelic Future of the Mind: How Entheogens Are Enhancing Cognition, Boosting Intelligence, and Raising Values. Tom shares his story with us about how he got involved in the field of psychedelic research and education. Starting in 1981, Dr. Roberts taught one of the world's first university-cataloged psychedelic course, "Foundations of Psychedelics Studies." We get into a great conversation with Tom about his early days at Esalen to talking about mindapps, mindbody states, and different ways to approach psychedelic research. Topics of Discussion: Esalen Institute -- Stanislav Grof, Holotropic Breathwork, and Maslow Psychedelics in humanities and religion Joseph Campbell How the, The Hero with a Thousand Faces relates to the new archetype of the conscious explorer The