Psychedelics Today

Psychedelic Science 17 Recap



Download Psychedelic Science 17 in Review We discuss our recent trip to MAPS's Psychedelic Science 2017. It was incredibly fun and we loved being able to connect with so many with this shared interest. Many attendees are actively working to progress the case of psychedelic substances. This was the largest psychedelic conference ever in recorded history attended by over 3000 people from 42 countries. There were discussions around ayahuasca, peyote, DMT, salvia, MDMA and many other substances. Some of the most interesting discussions were around ibogaine treating people with addiction. Turns out there are far more things that can be treated with ibogaine than simply opiate addiction. I was very excited to discuss drug testing and harm reduction with the people from DanceSafe. We were also able to check out some really interesting technology - lights and music - that triggered some of the most intense visuals of my life.  Illuminated SF put that demonstration together. It is highly recommend. The experience o