Psychedelics Today

Cognitive Liberty, The War on Drugs, & Personal Freedom



Download It is the week of the 4th of July. That means the United States is celebrating the signing of the Declaration of Independence, breaking free from the British Empire, and becoming an independent nation.  With the holiday underway, it seems like a great time to reflect on the concept of freedom (including cognitive liberty) and what it means to each and every one of us. In honor of Independence Day and the Declaration of Independence, here is a quote by Terence McKenna: [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="660"] Photo from:[/caption] In this episode, Joe and Kyle reflect on the concept of personal freedom, cognitive liberty, and the impact that the War on Drugs has on the American people. It seems to be the consensus that the War on Drugs is failing. The policy has huge negative consequences on people across the globe, and significantly marginalizes minority groups and people of color. Cognitive Liberty As psyched