Behind The Curtain With Jeff Reynolds

Ep. 1: Star Parker and Jonathan Lockwood



In my first segment, I talk with Star Parker, who hung out with me at the Oregon Freedom Fest to talk about her organization, The Center for Urban Renewal and Education. Star is a natural story teller and a very engaging guest. She talked frankly about her life prior to Christian conversion in which she used abortion like birth control, and her life after her conversion. She got a degree, she opened a business, she lost that business in the 1992 riots in LA, and she became a fierce advocate for welfare reform. She tells of the security threats she's faced for daring to challenge the liberal orthodoxy, she describes converting inner city pastors to free market ideals, she talks about biblical property rights, and she works tirelessly to eradicate the victimhood mentality. You can find Star on Twitter at @UrbanCure, on Facebook at, and on the web at For my second segment, I sat down with Jonathan Lockwood, Oregon's bomb-throwing Republican communications strategist. He