Behind The Curtain With Jeff Reynolds

Tenth Anniversary of the Tea Party, and Local Political Shenanigans - Brad Marston and Marty Heyen - Ep 10



Thanks once again for joining me this week for Episode 10 of the Behind the Curtain Podcast. This is our 11th episode, but it’s only Episode 10, because we had a bonus track last week. Gonna need to talk to the boss about the math here. Anyway, you really should check out the two episodes last week if you haven’t already. This week’s episode features a discussion about the history and future of the American Tea Party Movement, and another about the seedy and seamy side of local politics. Both guests show that all politics is local. My first guest is my good friend Brad Marston. Brad co-founded Four Tier Strategies, a political consulting firm, after being a founding organizer of the 2009 Boston Tea Party. Brad and I go way back to the founding of the American Tea Party movement. April 15 marked the ten year anniversary of the explosion of the movement into American politics. Brad and I talk about the massive impact we had, where the movement is today, how it coexists with the Trump presidency, and where we go