Ufahamu Africa

Ep60. A conversation with Nyokabi Kamau on feminism in Kenya



This week's episode kicks off Women's History Month and celebrates International Women's Day, starting with a conversation about women's protest participation in Algeria and women's representation in politics in Africa more broadly. We also highlight critiques of the theme for International Women's Day 2019: #BalanceForBetter.Our conversation is with Professor Nyokabi Kamau, who is the Executive Director of the Centre for Parliamentary Studies and Training in Kenya. The conversation was part of a global salon hosted at the Lewis Global Studies Center in 2018 and was facilitated by Smith College Professor of Comparative Literature Katwiwa Mule. They talk about Kamau's new book, Conversations about Gender: The Reflections of a Kenyan Feminist. Her segment begins at 12:31. … More Ep60. A conversation with Nyokabi Kamau on feminism in Kenya