Shamangelic Healing Podcast With Anahata Ananda

Raise Your Vibration to Transform Your Life with Taylor Simpson



Your vibration creates your life. So, if your vibration is low, life may seem like a struggle manifesting symptoms life debt, depression, low energy levels, chronic illness, strained relationships etc. Conversely if your vibration is high, you may experience abundance, joy, thriving relationships and vibrant health.  In this episode, Taylor Simpson and Anahata Ananda share strategies to up level your vibrational energies to transform your life in all areas. Explore: Aids to raise your vibration during tough times Figuring out what you DON’T want to learn what you DO want Supporting your vibration-raising by surrounding yourself with like-minded tribe Maneuvering relationships as you raise your vibration The Brain-Heart Connection Power vs. Force (David Hawkins Scale) The importance of response vibrations Morning rituals and emotional tune-ups Tips for shifting from low vibe to high vibe in emergencies Guided visualization for manifestation Journal Exercise for manifestation Podcast Page: https://www.shamang