Kelly's Talkshow




1. Clearly define your goals制定清晰的目标。Set SMART goals for yourself: goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.要给自己定一个SMART的目标:也就是明确、可衡量、可实现、和自己相关、并且有时间限制。2. Track your progress追踪你的进步。If you can measure it, you can change it. These measurements will help motivate you.能衡量的东西,就能改变 。衡量自己的进步可以起到激励作用。3. Have patience有耐心。Progress is never linear. Some people will see changes right away but hit resistance later in their efforts.进步从来都不是直线型的。有些人会很快看到进步,但后来进步却会受阻。4.Put it on your schedule排入你的作息时间。Make your new goals a priority by actually scheduling them into your calendar.把你的新计划切实排入时间安排中,以便优先执行。BackGround Music:Ain't Love Crazy Artists:Lilygreen & Maguire