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Ep. 187 | Why Not Creating Will Destroy You with Charlie Gilkey



You’re either going to create your dream life, or you’re going to destroy yourself through self-loathing and resentment. Bold statement, I know. But this is exactly what I’ve seen during ten years of being in the trenches of transformation. And today’s guest is here to tell you why. His name is Charlie Gilkey and we had one of the best conversations all year on the Academy hosted by Tommy Baker, author of The 1% Rule and The Leap Of Your Life. So, who’s Charlie Gilkey? Charlie is the founder of Productive Flourishing, a website that helps changemakers (creatives, leaders, and entrepreneurs) start finishing the stuff that matters. Productive Flourishing is routinely placed in the Top 50 websites for planning, productivity, creativity, and team development for creative folks. His most recent book Start Finishing: How to Go from Idea to Done helps people get their best work out into the world by identifying what matters most and overcoming challenges that get in the way of finishing your most important projects.