Talking Africa

#96 Tom Burgis: 'The rise of kleptocrats fueled by destablising the truth on social media



In our first episode in this new season of Talking Africa, we delve right into a juicy discussion about humanity's obsession with greed, looting and corruption, and if there's hope for a better future.How can African nations stop the looting of their natural wealth by rogue politicians and an international band of financial predators? How do you join the dots between illegal gold-mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo, smuggling trips to Dubai and a financial laundromat based in the City of London? Most of all what does it take to track down these shadowy operations and bring the culprits to justice?To help our quest, we have an in-depth conversation with Tom Burgis, author of the non-fiction thriller 'Kleptopia: How dirty money is conquering the world'. It traces the evolution of an international but virtual republic based on stolen money.Join us at, @theafricareport, and on our Facebook page