Our Common Ground With Janice Graham

"51 Days" In Conversation with Nina Turner, National Co-Chair Bernie Sanders



"51 Days: In Conversation with Nina Turner" Nina Turner, National Co-Chair Bernie Sanders for President 2016 & 2018 She is the "hell-raising humanitarian" for marginalized people and is one of Sanders's best-known surrogates. She's a former Ohio state senator who has made her name advocating for voting rights. Articulate, engaging, and perceptive, Nina Turner offers a prescient vision of the future and inspires us to advance our own humanity For the marginalized — for those who believe in “the America” that was promised, Nina Turner is the speaker and activist that’ll motivate people to take action on the needs of the many and not the few. We need to figure out what to do with them. What voter participation strategies are essential and how do we implement them in the time that we have? What and how to meet the challenges of both options presented on Nov. 3rd. What of the Electoral College? What of the legal and corruption challenges before us?