Mike Elgan

It's Time to Disrupt Your Dinner



Food sucks. Let’s change it.So much of our food is unhealthy. People feel like they don’t have time to cook, let alone learn to cook. And nearly 40 percent of the food produced in the United States is wasted. Solutions abound. And these include countertop food processors, such as the revOILution olive oil press to Amazon’s secret Kabinet project – a kind of food-centric Amazon Echo – to the creation of lab grown meat. One Silicon Valley company called Innit – as in “in it to win it” – is working on an extensible platform that enables the food you buy to provide the kitchen appliances you use with information that streamlines and optimizes the entire cooking process. I spoke to Innit’s founder and CEO, Eugenio Minvielle, about his product and about the future of food. Here’s my conversation with Eugenio Minvielle. Listen: https://ia601507.us.archive.org/34/items/FATcast14/FATcast14.mp3