Being A Whole Person

My Relationship With Creativity in 2020 (Part 2)



I share what my relationship with creativity was like from April to August 2020 (continued from last week, so if you missed that one, start there first), and the many ups and downs of trying to be creative and adapt during COVID times. This led to my focus on compassionate productivity, which helped me give myself grace when things didn’t go as planned, and I share a new tool I’ve created to help you in your own compassionate productivity! TOPICS DISCUSSED IN THIS EPISODE How my 2020 100 Day Project turned out Why quitting can be a really good thing My varying relationship with structure early in COVID times What was draining my energy and how I dealt with it How I used time blocking in 2016 vs. in 2020 What compassionate productivity is and what it does for us How wanting to go “back to normal” is a trap When and how I realized I was doing too much again Actively avoiding your creative practice and making friends with it again The vulnerability in creating What low-level burnout can look like and how it can