

Love, Life & All Things Weird Radio Show How many of us are programmed to accept just getting by; only asking for what’s realistic or reasonable. Hedging our bets so we won’t be disappointed if we can’t truly actualize what we want. Or playing small to fly under the radar of people’s judgment… But what if asking for things way beyond what we consider to be probable literally engages the forces and resources of a universe that is at the ready to conspire FOR you and your impossible dreams. And what if the quantum particles that your Ask calls forward contribute to a much bigger world? Like what if my desire for a private jet for my traveling circus brings about energies that contribute to changing pollution on the planet? What if its time to Ask for more and what if not just you desire it but the world requires it? Join me this Wednesday at 10am MST, as I dive deep into my favorite topic: the magic of the universe. ~ More About Love, Life & All Things Weird ~ What if you really can have it all? No–really? What