Imperfect Brilliance ~ Betsy Mcloughlin & Kathy Williams

Are You Hiding Your Brilliance Guest Alun Jones



When was the last time you truly acknowledged your brilliance? It’s not something that’s often encouraged in this world and it’s that lack of acknowledging our brilliance that’s ultimately adding to the destruction of life on the planet. Bold words. Yet so true. It’s all very well playing the victim and playing the “useless person” who clings desperately to appearing impotent and talentless.  How is that helping to create more kindness, sustainable life, less stress, and greater collaboration in the world? What could we change in the world, and what change could we BE for the world,  if we would acknowledge how awesomely brilliant we truly are? The world is asking for us to stop playing small and insignificant. What if now IS the time to dig up our brilliance from the deep hole we’ve buried it in and shine it out without apology or justification? Are you willing to be that bold? Are you willing to embrace your brilliance? Alun Jones is a Certified Coach, and Facilitator of Awesomeness! He has been coaching an