Dream. Think. Do. | Helping You Achieve Bigger Goals

The “We Agree To Pray” Project



There’s so much division and polarization in the world right now. BUT at the same time, I think there’s a pendulum swing that’s happening too. There seems to be more and more people who are saying, “Enough!” Let’s find some common ground and let’s work from there to find real solutions. They’re looking for a place to start! Because that’s what we do… when we are at our very best. We find a way to find a way. We find a way to band together to help. We find a way. That’s where the “We Agree to Pray” project comes in. We don’t have to agree on everything, but what if a small group of people could come together to say, “We AGREE to pray.” What might happen? Well… let’s talk about that!     There’s so much division and polarization in the world right now.  BUT at the same time, I think there’s a pendulum swing that’s happening too.  There seems to be more and more people who are saying, “Enough!”  Let’s find some common ground and let’s work from there to find real solutions.  They’re looking for a pla