Musical Magic With Elfy Jo

Coming Out of Your Energetic Closet ~ Elfy Jo & Dr. Sue



Musical Magic with Elfy Jo Radio Show What would it take for you to come out of your energetic closet? What would it take for you to show your true self to the world? What energetic capacities do you have that want to come out? Are you willing to have courageous conversations about your energetic needs with yourself and others? Join Elfy Jo and Dr. Sue as they explore this topic. It doesn't matter what your profession is, the ideas that we will be discussing are transferable to all fields. Dr. Sue Hegel DC works one on one with you to create miracles with your life, living and body. Dr. Hegel’s extensive knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, translated into 18 years of working with bodies, coupled with her medical intuitive skills and energy work including that of Access Consciousness, Reiki and Heart2Heart, the health concerns you harbor in your body, mind and spirit, can be translated and changed using her brand new program. Our thought leading women, YOU, no longer have to conquer your health concerns