Musical Magic With Elfy Jo

Improvisation, Elfy style ~ Elfy Jo



Musical Magic with Elfy Jo Radio Show As a trained classical musician improvisation was always a bit of a "dangerous" area for me. At the time that I was studying music classical and jazz were strictly separated. Improvisation belonged to the domain of the jazz musicians. Historically speaking, improvising was also a part of the "classical" performance practice. As you know I've been improvising on this show quite a bit. Today I'm taking you on an artistic journey that will hopefully open up new creative regions for you as well! ~ More about Musical Magic with Elfy Jo ~  Do you enjoy music? Is music something you enjoy rocking to in your car or in the shower? Do you happen to play an instrument? Or are you wishing you played an instrument? Have you ever noticed that music can makes everything in your life better? Are you curious about how it can bring more ease, more joy and more possibilities in to your life, body and play? On Musical Magic with Elfy Jo she explores the magic that music truly is and can be f