Living Art Beyond Judgment ~ Nicole Saynara Lellek

Is Art Expression Or Another Way Of “Keeping Yourself Busy”? ~ Nicole Saynara Lellek



Living Art Beyond Judgment with Nicole Saynara Lellek Radio Show Is Art Expression Or Another Way Of "Keeping Yourself Busy"? Many of us have learned to use art or any kind of creative expression as a way of "catalyzing" negative feelings. While there is nothing wrong with that one day you might find yourself trapped in a "patterns". Same sujets, same style, same energy. What started as an creative outlets has become just another way of "keeping yourself busy". Is now the time to choose beyond patterns - and greater? Have you been creative as long as you can remember but never dared to truly live as an artist? Have you been told that you were “not good enough” by people who were not even creative in the first place? Instead you have been advised to build a normal career that supports your life and living? And then came the day you realized: Damn, something is missing here?!? What if it never was to late start being creative again? And to be an artist? What if you could discover your unique creativity in a fun