Do It With Dan

095 - Josh McCartney - 'Accelerated Learning'



Want more focus? Wish you could retain more information? Introducing Accelerated Learning expert Josh McCartney. Josh is a very cool cat that I met through my journey as a musician. His techniques require very little dedication of your time each day, and the benefits FAR outweigh the cost. This is a great way to open up the potential of your mind, increase your productivity and focus. Welcome once again Dreamers, to the Do it with Dan Podcast! The place to truly dream with your eyes open. It's time to expand our experience with some more great discussion on the power of the mind in all things. Whether you want to manifest more wealth, emotional abundance or love in your life; this is the podcast for you. Dan Mangena is a Transformational Life Coach, Public Speaker and Best Selling Author. This series of podcasts is completely free. They are intended to provide you with the tools you need to live your dreams and experience the abundance you desire right now! “You honour me by listening in to this show and I th