The Tyler & Kelley Show

Lead Through Strengths: Lisa Cummings | Impact Maker #011



Lisa Cummings is the esteemed host of Lead Through Strengths, a podcast all about finding and leveraging your unique strengths at work, and a self-proclaimed Chief Strengths Sleuth.   Why does she call herself that? Well, as a StrengthsFinder Trainer & Speaker, she spends her days uncovering hidden talents, while adding a bit of energy and zest into work cultures. She has some incredible resources for teams of any size, and she’s just a whole lot of fun!   In This Conversation We Cover: [6:30] How Lisa found StrengthsFinder [9:00] How StrengthsFinder can catalyze internal and organizational change [12:30] The role StrengthsFinder has had in Tyler & Kelly’s life [13:30] Learning how to apply your unique talents [23:20] Using questions to think more deeply & differently [30:00] How Lisa developed the stellar resources she offers at [35:00] What is exercise science?   Resources: Learn more at Facebook: