Understanding Christianity

COVID-19 and Four Faulty ISM'S



We live in a crazy age! This COVID-19 pandemic has brought out many strange things within evangelical Christianity. Dr. Sean Cole expresses how he sees Four "Isms" that have impacted the thinking and behavior of many Christians. Will the coronavirus vaccine be the mark of the beast? What about mask-shaming? If we pray enough is God obligated to "heal our land?" These four isms are: (1) Pelagianism, (2) Dispensationalism, (3) Pietism, and (4) Revivalism. What is the antidote to these? Confessional Reformed theology. Listen and find out as Sean "riffs" about what he is observing in our culture right now. Check out his book "Your Identity in the Trinity" at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Your-Identity-Trinity-Discovering-Gospel-ebook/dp/B07RWTJK9K/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Sean+COle+Trinity&qid=1593792009&sr=8-1