Alice In Muggleland

Chapter 15: Alice is No Longer a Lockhart Stan



From one Medical Hiatus to another, Billius and Alice bring you the next chapter. Billius is going to try to plug out these next few chapters while everyone has to socially distance so you can have something of fun... Alice and Billius talk about Chapter 15: Aragog, from Harry being Oblivious to Alice appreciating Ron's Ginger heritage.Help us out at and you get bonus clips from the show (this show having one bonus clip) along with early access. This week we released 6 minutes of additional conversation from Alice stating something for the record to MORE WITCHER)We want questions for Books 1 and 2 or any questions for Alice or Billius or the Podcast itself! You can email us at aliceinmugglelandpodcast@gmail.comWe are also on (and probably more active) on facebook at and on twitter @AinMugglelandPlease like, subscribe, rate, review us on your podcast platforms of choice. We do look at them. We see your feedback.The Alice in Mu