Petra Kolber Happy Hour Call

Episode 7. Friday Five – Double Down On Your Strengths



"Small Steps Over Many Days Build More Momentum Than You Think." Jenny Blake Jenny Blake is quite possibly my favorite millennial that I know. Young at heart, with and old soul she shared so much wisdom this week on how to balance work and recovery, purpose and play. Here are my five favorite questions and takeaways from this week’s conversation with the author of Pivot – the only move that matters is your next one Jenny Blake. What is something you know for sure that you can double down on? Write down your strengths and take a moment to see if there are one or two innate strengths that you could develop and strengthen to help you create a more stable foundation from which to build a life of passion and purpose. Is there a pivot of any size happening in your life right now, forced or by choice? If this pivot brings on a sense of urgency or anxiety can you reframe it in your mindset to view it as an opportunity versus a challenge? And who can you ask to be your accountability partner in this pivot and some