Random Signal

R.S. #55 - Of Beasts and Blogs



Song 1: Grizzly Bear - All Girl Summer Fun Band (from 2)[MySpace] [Emusic] [iTunes] [PMN]Welcome to any new listeners who found this podcast via BoingBoing.net, Craphound.com (thanks Cory!), or 7th Son (thanks Hutch!).Sites of interest:Loren Coleman's Cryptomundo (cryptozoology and news of the weird)*New species of hagfish discovered*Largest colossal squid ever caughtDarren Naish's Tetrapod Zoology (vampire bats, narwhals, and feathered dinosaurs, oh my!)Promo: The Surreal O'Rama Bizarre Lyrics Song Poem Contest(deadline: March 10, 2007)Song 2: It's Carrboro - Billy Sugarfix and Brian Risk [MySpace] [YouTube] Song 3: Disconnect the Dots - of Montreal (from Satanic Panic in the Attic)[MySpace] [Emusic] [iTunes] [PMN]