Random Signal

R.S. #65 - Sounds from the Bottom of the World



November ended badly, and I'm not quite up to my normal geeky ramblings. Therefore, RS65 is wall-to-wall music. Enjoy. Song 1: Tip of My Tongue - Tall Dwarfs (from Weeville) [MySpace] Song 2: Boy With a Coin - Iron and Wine (from The Shepherd's Dog) [MySpace] [iTunes] [PMN] Song 3: Science VS Romance - Rilo Kiley (from Take Offs and Landings) [MySpace] [iTunes] [PMN] Song 4: My Favorite Book - Stars (from In Our Bedroom After the War) [MySpace] [Emusic] [iTunes] [PMN] Song 5: Revenge! - Spoon (from 30 Gallon Tank EP and the Wired Magazine CD) [MySpace] [Emusic] [iTunes] Song 6: The Love I Crave - The Blow (from Poor Aim: Love Songs) [MySpace] [Emusic] [iTunes] [PMN] Song 7: So What - Space Mtn (from A Drawing of a Memory of a Photograph of You) [MySpace] [Emusic] [iTunes] Song 8: Feathers - Man Man (from Six Demon Bag) [MySpace] [Emuisc] [iTunes] Song 9: Bottom of the World - Tom Waits (from Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers & Bastards) [MySpace] [Emuisc] [iTunes] [PMN]