Dream. Think. Do. | Helping You Achieve Bigger Goals

A 6 Word Phrase To Help You Beat Comparison



This week we’re talking about overcoming COMPARISON!  Seriously, have you ever opened up your social media app… you scrolled… scrolled… and then WHAM!  It hits you… that wave of COMPARISON. Those feelings of: “I’m behind,” or “I’ve missed it” or “I’m too late” or “I’m not as ________ as them.”  Here’s the deal.  I think comparison kills more dreams and big ideas than just about anything else.  And THAT is why we’re going after it this week.  I’m going to get you a six-word phrase that’s helped set me and my coaching clients free from the “comparison trap!”  (Plus, I’ll give you the fun story of when and how it hit me!)  So… if you’re wanting to bust free from the weariness that comes from comparison… I’ve got your back!  Let’s do this. Listen To The Podcast:   RESOURCES: DREAM THINK DO Episode 213: “Identity Statements,” www.mitchmatthews.com/213 Mitch’s Success Coaching: www.mitchmatthews.com/success-coaching   MINUTE BY MINUTE: 0:02 What to expect today 1:42 Comparison kills dream