Coaching For Leaders

3: Why Teaching Adults is Different than Teaching Kids



Welcome to the third episode of Coaching Skills for Leaders! Today's topic: Why teaching adults is different than teaching kids. Visit with questions, comments, or feedback. A brief overview of how teaching fits into coaching. We're going to examine a few lessons from The Adult Learner by Malcolm Knowles, Elwood Holton, and Richard Swanson (7th edition). Pedagogy vs. Andragogy (art of teaching kids vs. self concept of being responsible for ourselves) (Greek: child-leading, man-leading). You can't teach adults the way you teach kids. Why talk about kids? As coaches, there's the tendency to fall back on what we've seen all our lives and what we remember from school - unfortunately, those same skills don't work with adults. 6 assumptions about andragogy: 1) The Need to Know (adults need to know why something is important before learning it) With kids: because the teacher said so I share my experience with stats in graduate school As a coach, you might need to help make this