Vagina Talks

041 What is Medicine Dosage and Prescription



In this episode, Sophia Wise One and discusses the effects of medicine and how to determine proper dosage of the medicine taken. Sophia explains the trials of changing certain medicines with new ones, and how to determine an effective dosage. She expresses the importance of the people in your life that are participating in your healing journey. Sophia lets us know that the way we handle our medicine could change and reshape our lives. Key Takeaways: Knowing the dosage to take of the medicine our body needs will make sure the healing we need occurs. There are many kinds of medicine, not just the sort that come in pill bottles. They can heal bodies and minds in completely different ways. Be transparent with the people who are participating in your healing. Don’t be afraid to include people on your choices for medicine and dosage. Changing the types of medicine and the amount in your dosage can help you find new ways to heal your body. "No one knows what happening in your body, in your spirit, in you