Vagina Talks

046 Four Major Tools for Optimizing a Healing Opportunity



Take a peek behind the curtain into a private class with Sophia Wise One. This episode is from the last weekend of the training ground where Sophia outlined four vitally helpful tools for enhancing a healing experience. Take notes, listen a few times, show your friends, reach out to Sophia on instagram with any questions. These are tools to help you become a better, healer, friend, parent, child, partner, coworker, and person. Enjoy! Major Tools for Healing: All these things INCREASE sensation not lessen, allow for more feeling, as feelings complete they move on Not better or worse – more. Blessings Calling vibrations, images, guides, concepts, needs, “blessings,” etc.   Feeling for the arrival Focus on feeling from the inside Feel for the contact and touch of blessing Witness and notice how the landscape is changed, it will change so don’t force it. Don’t make it need to be “nicer,” just watch it change Sense for settle or completion Bless again Repeat whole process Presence Open