Vagina Talks

050 Weaving a Brighter Future



Beloved listener, thank you so much for continuing on this journey with us! We are celebrating our 50th episode of Vagina Talks by weaving together all the different viewpoints of the healed world that Sophia Wise One has collected over the last year and a half. Relax your body and breathe into the future we know is coming.  Here are all the weavings in order of appearance with the number of their episodes. You can follow the link to each episode for more information.  49.5 Aerin of Many Names “It will be completely completely regular to just walk out your door and trust every human that you come across” 049 Naia Leigh “We are the ones that are shedding that paradigm as to no longer carry those torches. We are burning new ones and handing them down.” 048 Nadine Artemis “The air is sweet and the water quenches your thirst and the sounds in the air are filled with birds and crickets and all the creatures.” 047 Brittany Policastro “Equitable pleasure.” 044 Jonita D’souza “We are weaving the