Vagina Talks

053 Healing From the Inside Out with Jana Shiloh



Dear ones, this week we get to hear about the ins and outs of homeopathy from Jana Shiloh. Jana is a highly accomplished homeopath who had the courage to walk away from a life that was falling apart and into the quiet, vibrational medicine of homeopathy. She drops a lot of knowledge in this episode, so do what you can to really open up to any new information you find here.  You can call Jana for a free 10 minute consultation at (928) 282-9362 or go to her website for more information Here is a video of vibrations in action that is never not exciting  Connect with Sophia on ( I am Sophia Wise One: Daughter of the Wind. I am calling you to Rise Up, Rise Up, Rise Up. Rise up and take your place. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you ma