Vagina Talks

059 The Softness of Rage with Leonore Tjia



Shmumpkins, (can we call you Shmupkins?) this episode is a swim in the deep waters of erotic healing and rage. These sound like such hard and fiery territories, but there is often a softness and quietude that come alongside such passion. Sophia and Leonore dive deep in this conversation that spans far and wide and it's a real privilege to listen to them hold space together. You can sign up for Leonore's mailing list on her website Hearthfire Circles ( . As always, you can follow Sophia on instagram ( “I am Sophia Wise One: Daughter of the Wind. I am calling you to Rise Up, Rise Up, Rise Up. Rise up and take your place." This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.