Vagina Talks

067 Feminine Embodied Healing with Chel Hamilton



Join Sophia and Chel as they share nourishing wisdom from the ages. This episode is sweet and tender with laughter and singing to ground us in these rapidly shifting times. As always, we pray that you and your loved ones are safe as you navigate your role in slowing this pandemic, be that staying home or going out into the front lines to feed and care for people. The winds are ever-changing which reminds us that while we may not know what the future holds, tomorrow will always be different from today. And as Grace Louise Perkins always says, “change is correct and desirable.” In this episode: Chel breaks down some misconceptions about archetypal masculine and feminine energy. She leads us away from comparing things by assigning them hierarchical value and instead towards understanding the nuanced similarities and differences in a neutral and balanced way.  They discuss the need for sustainability in ourselves, in our businesses, and in our society on a level we’ve never seen before. “If we want to