Vagina Talks

070 Coming Home into Yourself with Amy Jo Goddard



Amy Jo is back! If you’ve been with us for a while, you’ll know that she’s a bit of a celebrity here at Medicine Caller, and if you’re new, get ready because you’re about to find out what all the fuss is about. Amy Jo is a brilliant sex educator and author and creator and healer and facilitator and so much more. She is a wealth of wisdom and calm in the storm and she is one of the teachers Sophia turns to for help in their personal life. These dear friends drop some real truths in this episode that’s ripe for a repeat listen. There is so much in this episode, some of the main points were these: Amy Jo talks about creating a sense of home inside yourself. Not just a physical structure to live in, but a sense of security and wellness wherever you go even when things get out of control like they are now.  Amy Jo talks about the interplay and dichotomy of creativity and destruction “Stop talking smack to your teacher!” -Sophia Wise One. They both talk about how the body is the greatest teacher we hav