Vagina Talks

072 Singing Our Lineages Home with Fia



Sophia is joined this week by Fia! As in, Fia the enchanting, singing, songwriting Swedish goddess who blessed us with her presence and beautiful songs. If she isn’t in your music rotation yet, wow are you in for a treat! She and Sophia have a great conversation about many of the aspects that surround a life devoted to channeling true, and beautiful things. There is a tenderness and sensitivity to these two human beings that makes a bountiful episode ripe for repeat listens.  Here are some highlights from their deep-dive conversation: Fia talks about feeling “extra layers of life” that she can access. Of course, all people can access these layers, but for whatever reason, many don’t. Feeling just so, so sensitive and having a difficult time relating to peers while growing up, but finding solace and power in the arts. “I stopped waiting for someone to give me permission to do my soul’s work and for it to look a certain way as society presented it to me.” -Fia They both talk about the deep desir