Being A Whole Person

Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes with Lexie and Rebecca



Welcome to a very special episode of Being A Whole Person. In this episode, that wraps up Season 2, we recap the season, each do a little life update, and explain some big changes afoot for the podcast! TOPICS DISCUSSED • Recap of Season 2, how our approach changed from Season 1 • Life and business updates for each of us since December 2019 • Rebecca’s new direction focusing on compassionate productivity and her compassionate time blocking schedule experiment • How Lexie is trusting her new group program to be co-created in the process • The gig economy and how that’s affected interpersonal relationships • Big changes coming to BAWP and what’s new in Season 3 RESOURCES MENTIONED • Compassionate Productivity Bundle • Newsletters about Rebecca’s compassionate time blocking schedule experiment • S2 E1 - Catch Up with Lexie and Rebecca • S2 E2 Self Love in an Uncertain Time with Mary Hodges • Lexie’s upcoming offering Entrepreneurial Oneness • Creative Wellness Club Facebook group • Rebecca’s blog post Let’s Talk